Issue #1 From my experiences, as class levels are gained, the character’s racial traits (identity) are washed out by the addition of feats, class features and powers gained from magic items. I feel that these racial traits are important, because they are the only mechanics that represent and identify the race.
Issue #2 Class template effect on the races
Race-focused character generation
This is how Paczfinder sees your adventurer : Your adventurer takes on classes that are influenced by the following racial contributors:
- Geography
- Heritage[lineage]
- Heritage[bloodline]
- Group (general racial term for clan, tribe, etc.)
- Organizations, Orders, Guilds, etc.
- Deity
Each contributor gives the player features†, traits†, equipment, feats and skills (collectively called content). Some of these contributors may have no influence on your class. Players select any or all of the six contributors.
NOTE: Heritage is the combination of Lineage and Bloodline. Heritage adjusts Wounds as using HERb bon/pen.
WIP The weight of each contributor depends on the number of contributors selected and the weight determines the number and types of content.
WIP Alternatively, all contributors have equal weight and they can be stacked.
If a payer chooses not to take any of the contributors, then the player can select any of the Core or Base classes from the available resources.
† Features and traits are Spell-Like abilities, Supernatural Abilities, Special Qualities, Extraordinary Abilities, etc).
- Multiclass Dipping and Power Sources